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Why People Choose Us

We understand how to effectively guide you through the home loan or refinance process and avoid potential problems along the way.

Dedicated Specialists

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We have worked with Alex for 10 years. He has assisted with multiple loan approvals, as well as refinances over the years. We were lucky enough to have his assistance with our first ever property purchase and we haven’t looked back. He gets us a great rate and we always feel he goes above and beyond for us. For each of our purchases he has made sure our finances are structured in a way that is suitable for our current circumstances so we are saving the most, while still have the flexibility we require at the time. Highly recommend!



Alex Cedeño from AusLend is the top one on my list. He helped me to get through the approval process on the bank loan of my first property and subsequently helped me to negotiate a better rate with my existing lender. Timely follow up with the bank and me, to make sure things happened and customer satisfaction. Thank you, Alex, for taking every single matter seriously and for making my life as easy as being a happy client. Highly recommend Alex to everyone who needs property and financial advisory.


Finance Manager

I was referred to Alex after having difficulty with a bank and their lack of correspondence. After reviewing all my options, Alex was able to recommend me a loan that was suitable (and even better) than my original lender. During the application process, large delays were occurring and Alex consulted with me every step of the way, ensuring I wasn’t left in the dark at all. He is professional as well as diligent. Would highly recommend him to anyone buying a property or refinancing.


Occupational Therapist

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