Are you self employed? Have you experienced any difficulties in obtaining a home loan due to your self employment? Well, you should be happy to know that there are numerous lenders that offer home loans to self employed borrowers.
There are a variety of different types of loan products available to the self employed; however, although most banks or lenders will require that you have been trading for at least two years. In some instances, some lenders may consider your circumstances if you have been trading for only a year but this will be subject to certain conditions, requirements, higher fees and/or interest rates.
We’ll guide you through the process and answer all the important questions, including:
- How do lenders calculate my income?
- How do I apply for a self employed home loan?
- If I am not ready to buy a home now, what can I do to be prepared in the future?
- Can you be a first time home buyer and still qualify for a self employed home loan?
- I just started a business, do I qualify for a self employed home loan?
- What income documentation will be required?
To find the right home loan today.
Call +61 3 9111 5712 to be connected with an AusLend Mortgage Adviser in your local area or fill the form below.